Frequently asked questions

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Can you help my child?

Does my child qualify for services?

Clients must be a victim of any kind of abuse (including physical, emotional, mental, or sexual) or neglect (including environmental, medical, educational, physical, emotional). This also includes bullying, witness to domestic violence, or witness to homicide. This list may not be comprehensive. Please call us if you have questions.


Do I have to live in McCracken County?

No. A client must either be a Kentucky resident or have at least one custodial parent or caregiver who lives in Kentucky. The location where the abuse occurred does not matter.


What if I don’t have proof of the abuse?

Abuse doesn’t need to be substantiated or prosecutable. The abuse can be suspected by a parent or caregiver due to behavior, even if the child won’t confirm it (some children don’t disclose abuse until they’ve been in therapy for a while).


What ages qualify for services?

We see clients as young as 3 (if they’re verbal) and older than 18. Services don’t end when the child reaches 18 years old. 


Who needs to consent to therapy?
The child’s legal parents(s), guardian(s), or custodian(s). If custody is shared between two parents, both parents must consent. If the child is in state custody, only DCBS needs to consent for therapy to begin.

What to Expect

What type of therapy can a child receive?

Each child is affected by trauma differently. Following an assessment and evaluation by one of our licensed clinicians, a treatment plan tailored to your child’s individual needs will be developed. Modalities utilized by our clinicains may include play therapy, art therapy, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).


What if we speak a different laugage?

Child Watch Counseling and Advocacy Center will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in our services, activities, programs and other benefits. All interpreters, translators,  and other aids needed to comply with our policy shall be provided without cost to the person being served, and clients/potential clients and their families will be informed of the availability of such assistance free of charge. An interpreter and/or electronic services will also be utilized for hearing impaired persons as needed.

Equal Treatment


Child Watch Counseling and Advocacy Center maintains a policy of treating every individual with fairness and respect. Discrimination toward any individual or group of individuals is not tolerated. Child Watch does not exclude, deny services to, deny employment to, or otherwise discriminate against or permit harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, citizenship, and other classifications protected by applicable laws.  This policy is adhered to for the purposes of employee and volunteer recruitment and hiring; delivery of services; and in all aspects of the day to day and long term business or service ventures of Child Watch/CASA.